The concept of persuading a consumer to buy something is part of the marketing industry since its inception. There is no surprise in the fact that telemarketing agents use it often to clinch a sale. The tenets of persuasive marketing walk a tight rope. Call center agents can persuade the consumer to buy something, but they cannot force them to part with their financial details or any other information. BPO agents of several firms are infamous for their insistence that consumers buy something from them. They often cross the thin line that separates ethical marketing and convincing a consumer through brute force of argument. Call center services that are open to persuasive marketing have to take guard against the dangers that this approach often presents itself. Lets take a look at whats acceptable and what is not telemarketing.

To open the argument, we will study the pros of persuasive telemarketing. The biggest positive here is that consumers often do not know their minds. They may not even be aware of the dormant demand that is lying in them. A consumer using cable TV may not be aware of what he is missing on unless he explores the possibilities offered by DISH TV. That is what the telemarketing services should try to highlight. They must explain to the consumer how DISH TV is a better idea for them and how they can have greater value for money and also cut down on their present costs. additional resources In this case, the lead generation agents can persuade the consumer to see sense. But the agent must never leave the line of reason and logic in putting forward their points.

Consumers are often not aware of what is on offer in the market. They rely on the information provided by the telemarketing agent. Its not possible for consumers to know the new launches and how those products can make life easier for them. The BPO agents have a duty in explaining their wares to the interested consumers. After hearing the agents out, the consumer may feel that they dont need the product because of certain reasons. If the reasons are valid, like inability to pay for the product or finding no justified use of the product is understandable. But consumers often express prejudiced or wrong concepts about products. That is the opportunity that BPO service agents can utilize to explain their point of view to the consumer.

As I stated initially, walking the fine line between persuasion and desperation is very important. Call centers must not insist on financial details or personal information like social security numbers if the consumer is not willing to share those. Consumers have the right to privacy and make a decision in peace. If you find that the persuasive stance is putting the customer off or making him uncomfortable, abandon the process. Sales lead generation works only when you have consent from the consumers ivr. If you brainwash them into buying stuff, they will soon change their mind and backtrack when the sales team calls. That will leave you with a poor conversion rate.